
Student testimonials

Your answers and pdf solution helped raise my grade from failing to D to A* and I really appreciate your website has the detail solution of IGCSE Mathematics IGCSE Extended Mathematics (0580). Solving the maths problem was real pain for me, so I consider your website to be the sole reason I secure higher grades in IGCSE. Thank you.”

— Siddharth


“The PDF’s solutions were extremely helpful. You can use them over and over and solve them to confirm the answers without taking the help of a tutor. The PDF explained the details step by step beautifully and provided details on performing the algebraic manipulations. Different coloured pens made it easy to differentiate steps. My Maths teacher often moved through the material very fast in class. The PDF’s allowed me to review areas I found difficult as many times as I needed. IGCSE Mathematics Answers was a wonderful learning tool for understanding Maths.”

— Sansei


“You are absolutely incredible!! Thank you immensely for sharing your wealth of knowledge with the rest of the world. Your PDF’s Solution has helped me get through Maths in IGCSE, and I could not have passed my Maths without your website. Your step-by-step explanations were always so easy to follow, and helped me understand why we would go about a question a certain way. Thank you for helping me develops better skills to improve as a student! It is very apparent that you truly care about both Maths and helping students learn and Once again, thank you so much and best of luck on all of your future endeavour’s!!!”

— Jash Parekh


“As a Maths Instructor when I started my carrier for the first time at ABWA School, I found this resource incredibly helpful for me and my students and I highly recommend it to anyone using IGCSE Mathematics’s Answers website. All the best for IGCSE Mathematicss Team.

— Saishav Mehta


“I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for what you’ve done with this website. I’m a student athlete, and I go to school entirely online because of my training schedule. I have maths as my subject which I found really tough, but I have to teach myself the material with the textbook as my only complete resource. On the rare occasion I have time to work with a tutor, they are rarely able to help me understand. I love learning and school, but I’ve always struggled in science so I was sure this year was going to be brutal. Thanks to you, as it was a nightmare to complete my Maths assignments & Homework that used to waste loads of time. I can watch one PDF’s, followed along, and understand the rest of my assignment no problem. Again, your work is much appreciated. I bought a yearly plan within a few minutes of finding your site.”

— Sammy


“The solutions are very easy to comprehend and understand! They helped me to fully comprehend what we went over in class, and proved to be much more useful than what was discussed during lectures. Cannot thank you enough for helping me get an A* in Maths in Mock exam. Thank you so much! Will definitely use this service for Final Exam & solve Predicted Paper to know where I stand before the exam .”

— Amee


“Thanks for helping me earn an A in Maths! Maths has never been my strong point. In high school I failed both my Maths finals, and in IGCSE I am forced to take Maths as a requirement for my biology degree, so I really dreaded starting the Maths sequence. I couldn’t understand my professor during lecture or the answer keys that he posted, so I really needed supplementary homework help. I can say that your PDF’s Solution are 10X more effective than the professor’s and TA’s office hours that I have attended. Your PDF’s Solution are the best…even more so than Khan Academy’s Maths PDF’s Solution!”

— Raavi


“This is a wonderful service. He goes over all of the problems of each chapter and gives both the answer in a quick text form (good if you are on your cell in the library etc) AND has a PDF’s which explains the entire problem if you want a detailed explanation. It’s like having a tutor, which is a huge help! The cost is reasonable especially for the instruction you get-and way cheaper than the rip off answer guides that the textbook business wants to force you to buy. Give this a month try and i promise you will want to keep using it. Huge help.”

— Hussain


“These PDF’s Solution are 40 times more valuable than lecture, the text book, and so much cheaper and efficient than a private tutor.”

— John


“Just wanted to drop a note and thank you for this amazing service! And thank you for working hard on this, it is greatly appreciated: D”

— Mohd Ahmed


“This was a lifesaver!! I honestly was so lost when I joined IGCSE School as maths teacher. Many of these chapters had difficult problems to explain while teaching in school. After finding this my life was settled to teach in school with less effort. Thank you so much for offering these PDF’s Solution explaining the steps to get the correct answer. “

— Sejal (Instructor)


“Maths has never been my strong point so I was nervous about taking Mathsthis semester. I am so glad that I found your website! I am often confused during my classes because my teacher goes so quickly over the material and tends to be disorganized. Doing the book problems along with watching your solution PDF’s Solution has helped me understand the material a lot better. You have even showed me a few tricks that I’ve been able to successfully use during my exams. Thank you for making this site!”

— SIrine


“I know there is a solutions manual floating around but using your site is just as good as having a personal tutor.”

— Roshan


“May god bless this website and bless its make because it helped us a lot! thanks”

— Milan


“I wanted to thank you for taking the time and effort of working out the solutions! I know that was a tedious task, but those of us that needed that extra assistance Highly appreciating it!! I would not have been able to have do well as I did in grade 10 after finding this amazing website. Thanks again for your effort! I would highly recommend the use of this site to anyone taking IGCSE Mathematics.”

— Kristie


“Thank you so much… the PDF’s Solution was very helpful. I was studying at Mc Beth International School and the teacher was horrible who could not explain the problems and use to give loads of homework. IGCSE Mathematics solution helped to overcome my maths problem.

— Nelly


“Thank you so much for making all these PDF’s Solution, you helped me get an A* in both of my school exam! With the help of your solution, I ended up working just about every problem in the IGCSE Mathematics book. Not only did I get the good grades but these exercises have proven invaluable to understanding and working more complex problems in the Maths subject.

— Robert Gill


“Thank you for having this site, it was very helpful for solving maths problem from IGCSE Mathematicss fourth edition with examination exercise completely solved.”

— Reeva


“This website should be called life saver from IGCSE Maths subjects. I use to fail in maths before I subscribed to this website but Now, I can count on IGCSE Mathematics Answers for a solution to help me as a real time Tutor. “

— Soniya


“Initially, I just one for month subscription but after I used it I was forced to buy the complete package of 1 year. For Grade 9 students I recommend you all buying 2 years package with great discount. The predicted papers section is amazing that will help you know your status for final examination.

— Mohammed


“This website is a grade saver! Perfect solution of all the problems in simple manners that had helped me a lot. Thanks for such website.

— Jacky


“I hope you should have made the solution for the past papers as similar to IGCSE Mathematicss Answers!”

— Anjali


“The answers are clear and well explained on PDF. A variety of techniques are applied to solving the problems. Very helpful and great website is easy to navigate. Great Innovation & resource!”

— AL Musa


“I am very grateful for making such website. You are God sent Person!”

— Mary


“Very useful to help understand how to work out the problems and understand the concepts”

— Syngman


“The PDF solution gives me step by step detail to understand each problem.” Thanks for making such website.

— Fatemah


“I have purchased IGCSE Mathematics Answers during grade 9 IGCSE. Since, then my life has become much easier in completing the assignments. I would definitely recommend to anyone who struggles with understanding of IGCSE Maths problems.”

— Saicharan


“The answers are well done, and in most cases the sound is not necessary. The mathematical sophistication of the instructor is just right.”

— Jake


“Great website, the PDF’s solutions are amazing. I will be renewing my subscription.”

— Simran


I found this website very helpful. In china, maths tutors are very expensive “This website is very helpful and great at explaining!”

— Jiang


“Sometimes I get stuck and need a jump start, sometimes I don’t have a clue and sometimes I do know what I am doing…..IGCSE Mathematics is a terrific study companion in all cases!”

— Tikku


“The site is very helpful with problems. I just wish there was something as helpful for Physics, Chemistry and Biology.”

— Sharmistha


“I used this site because it is so easy to revise and study for the test and assignments.”

— Jenny


“IGCSE Mathematics PDF’s provide a step by step approach to each problem. It also incorporates diagrams for easy understanding and problem solving. IGCSE Mathematics answers helped me a lot with simple and explanation with formula assistance. Also the predicted papers section is the best way to understand the level of achievement before the IGCSE exam.

— Han